Complex Mouth Restorations

If your teeth have got into a poor condition for any reason, from decay or gum disease worsened by a fear of visiting the dentist to accident, injury or part of the natural aging process, you may think there are not many options left to help you. However, at Dental Excellence we don’t think this is the case. We believe we can help all patients to achieve the smile of their dreams with our complex mouth restorations service. Even if you have had a negative experience with another dentist, we urge you to contact us to see how we can help you to get your smile back.

Our highly experienced, qualified dental team comprises some of the UK and Ireland’s top consultants and specialists in fields from general dentistry to dental implants. Combine that with the latest and best technology and treatments and a commitment to delivering a world-class, bespoke service to every patient at every visit and you can see why many of our patients are so happy to recommend us.

Here are some of the problems patients bring to us, and the solutions we can offer. In many cases we will combine treatments to leave you with the perfect smile:


Decayed teeth and gum disease

If you haven’t visited a dentist for many years, perhaps because of dental phobia, your teeth may be decayed or damaged, and you may also be suffering from gum disease, one of the leading causes of tooth loss. You may have pain, bleeding gums or cavities in your teeth.


Before any cosmetic treatment we will make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. We will treat gum disease and any decayed or damaged teeth, saving your natural teeth wherever possible. Treatments may include:

  • White fillings
  • Thorough cleaning of teeth
  • Root canal treatment
  • Crowns
  • Bespoke home hygiene advice

If you’ve put off visiting your dentist because of nerves, you may benefit from our unique form of empathetic care. Visit our Nervous Patients page for full details of how we can help you. Our dentists are registered as Phobic Dentists and we can provide treatment under sedation where necessary.


Missing teeth/teeth that can’t be saved


Depending on your individual case, you may benefit from:

  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Dental implants
  • Secured dentures


Crooked/crowded teeth


We have a range of discreet orthodontic solutions for adult patients.

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    To respect your right to privacy and to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we need to confirm that you would like to hear from us again.

    *Terms and conditions:

    1. Free consultations are to discuss options and suitability for treatment. Subsequent clinical examinations and diagnostic tests required, and any associated costs will be discussed prior to treatment commencing.
    2. Consultations subject to availability.

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