
If you have lost some or all of your teeth, dentures are a common solution, as they provide an effective replacement. What dentures a patient needs depends on their individual situation, and the best way to find the ideal denture is to book a consultation with our dentists.

There are several kinds of dentures for different kinds of tooth loss and general oral health.


Full, or Complete Dentures are what most people think of when it comes to dentures, which is where the entirety of either your upper or lower teeth is replaced with a prosthetic set of teeth. These can either be primarily made of metal or acrylic material, which is then shaped and designed to look as natural in your mouth as possible.

They can either be removable or fixed. Fixed dentures are affixed to your mouth using dental implants, whilst removable dentures use effective design to lock onto your gums.


Partial dentures work differently to full dentures, not only because they only need to replace a few teeth on either the upper or lower jaw, but also because they connect to your mouth differently. Partial dentures use a series of clips to connect the dentures to other solid teeth. At Dental Excellence we take great pains to design partial dentures to perfectly match your teeth.


An alternative way to attach partial dentures to your teeth is available at Dental Excellence in the form of Valplast dentures. Valplast dentures are a flexible partial denture that fits snuggly in your mouth without anyone noticing, blending naturally in with your natural teeth.

Unlike other partial dentures, which use clasps and clips to secure themselves to your natural teeth, Valplast dentures are specially and flexibly designed to naturally hook to your teeth. They are also made of an incredibly strong yet thin plastic, making them feel lighter and more like your natural teeth.

Denture Stabilisation

Dentures are typically held in your mouth by your gums, however, for a more secure and stable fit, we offer denture stabilisation, where your dentures are attached to your mouth to keep your denture attached to your mouth. For more information, click here to look at our dedicated Denture Stabilisation page.

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    1. Free consultations are to discuss options and suitability for treatment. Subsequent clinical examinations and diagnostic tests required, and any associated costs will be discussed prior to treatment commencing.
    2. Consultations subject to availability.

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